- /*
- Navicat SQLite Data Transfer
- Source Server : school
- Source Server Version : 30808
- Source Host : :0
- Target Server Type : SQLite
- Target Server Version : 30808
- File Encoding : 65001
- Date: 2021-12-23 16:06:04
- */
- PRAGMA foreign_keys = OFF;
- -- ----------------------------
- -- Table structure for Course
- -- ----------------------------
- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "main"."Course";
- courseid integer primary key autoincrement,
- courseme varchar(32),
- teacherid int
- );
- -- ----------------------------
- -- Records of Course
- -- ----------------------------
- INSERT INTO "main"."Course" VALUES (3001, '语文', 1001);
- INSERT INTO "main"."Course" VALUES (3002, '数学', 1002);
- -- ----------------------------
- -- Table structure for Mark
- -- ----------------------------
- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "main"."Mark";
- userid integer,
- courseid integer not null,
- score int default 0
- );
- -- ----------------------------
- -- Records of Mark
- -- ----------------------------
- INSERT INTO "main"."Mark" VALUES (2001, 3001, 89);
- INSERT INTO "main"."Mark" VALUES (2001, 3002, 90);
- INSERT INTO "main"."Mark" VALUES (2002, 3001, 66);
- INSERT INTO "main"."Mark" VALUES (2003, 3002, 85);
- -- ----------------------------
- -- Table structure for sqlite_sequence
- -- ----------------------------
- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "main"."sqlite_sequence";
- CREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq);
- -- ----------------------------
- -- Records of sqlite_sequence
- -- ----------------------------
- INSERT INTO "main"."sqlite_sequence" VALUES ('Teacher', 1002);
- INSERT INTO "main"."sqlite_sequence" VALUES ('Student', 2002);
- INSERT INTO "main"."sqlite_sequence" VALUES ('Course', 3002);
- -- ----------------------------
- -- Table structure for Student
- -- ----------------------------
- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "main"."Student";
- userid integer primary key autoincrement,
- username varchar(32),
- userage int,
- usersex varchar(32)
- );
- -- ----------------------------
- -- Records of Student
- -- ----------------------------
- INSERT INTO "main"."Student" VALUES (2001, '小明', 18, '男');
- INSERT INTO "main"."Student" VALUES (2002, '小红', 18, '女');
- -- ----------------------------
- -- Table structure for Teacher
- -- ----------------------------
- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "main"."Teacher";
- teacherid integer primary key autoincrement,
- teachername varchar(32)
- );
- -- ----------------------------
- -- Records of Teacher
- -- ----------------------------
- INSERT INTO "main"."Teacher" VALUES (1001, '张三');
- INSERT INTO "main"."Teacher" VALUES (1002, '李四');
复制代码 问题:
1、查询“语文”课程比“数学”课程成绩低的所有学生的学号- select a.userid from
- (select userid,score from Mark where courseid ='3001')a,
- (select userid,score from Mark where courseid ='3002')b
- where a.userid = b.userid and a.score<b.score;
复制代码 2、查询平均成绩大于60分的同学的学号和平均成绩- select userid,avg(score) from Mark
- group by userid
- having avg(score)>60;
复制代码 3、查询所有同学的学号、姓名、选课数、总成绩- select s.userid ,s.username ,count_courseid as 选课数,
- sum_score as 总成绩
- from Student s
- left join
- (select userid,count(courseid ) as count_courseid,sum(score) as sum_score
- from Mark group by userid )sc
- on s.userid = sc.userid;
复制代码 4、查询姓‘李'的老师的个数:- select count(teachername )
- from Teacher
- where teachername like '张%';
复制代码 5、检索语文课程分数小于60,按分数降序排列的同学学号:- select userid ,score
- from Mark
- where courseid ='3001'
- and score<60
- order by score desc;
复制代码 6、查询学/没学过”张三”老师讲授的任一门课程的学生姓名- select username
- from Student
- where userid in (
- select userid
- from Mark,Course,Teacher
- where Course.teacherid = Teacher.teacherid and Mark.courseid = Course.courseid
- and Teacher.teachername ='张三'
- );
复制代码 7、查询全部学生选修的课程和课程号和课程名:- select courseid ,courseme
- from Course
- where courseid in (select courseid from Mark group by courseid);
复制代码 8、检索选修两门课程的学生学号:- select userid
- from Mark
- group by userid
- having count(8) == 2;
复制代码 9、查询各个课程及相应的选修人数- select courseid ,count(*) from Course group by courseid ;
复制代码 10、查询选修“张三”老师所授课程的学生中,成绩最高的学生姓名及其成绩- select Student.username ,Mark.score
- from Mark
- left join Student on Mark.userid = Student.userid
- left join Course on Mark.courseid = Course.courseid
- left join Teacher on Course.teacherid = Teacher.teacherid
- where Teacher.teachername = '张三'
- and Mark.score = (
- select max(score)
- from Mark sc_1
- where Mark.courseid = sc_1.courseid);
复制代码 11、求选了课程的学生人数:- select count(2) from
- (select distinct userid from Mark)a;
复制代码 12、查询课程编号为“语文”且课程成绩在80分以上的学生的学号和姓名- select Mark.userid,Student.username
- from Mark
- left join Student on Mark.userid = Student.userid
- where Mark.courseid = '3001' and Mark.score>80;
复制代码 13、查询每门课程的平均成绩,结果按平均成绩升序排序,平均成绩相同时,按课程号降序排列- select courseid ,avg(score)
- from Mark
- group by courseid
- order by avg(score),courseid desc;
复制代码 14、查询课程名称为“数学”,且分数高于85的学生名字和分数:- select c.courseme ,Student.userid ,Student.username ,Mark.score
- from Course c
- left join Mark on Mark.courseid = c.courseid
- LEFT JOIN Student on Student.userid = Mark.userid
- where c.courseme = '数学' and Mark.score>85;
复制代码 到此这篇关于SQL数据库十四种案例介绍的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关SQL数据库案例内容请搜索脚本之家以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持脚本之家!
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